The hansa‑flex customer magazine
Today, HYDRAULIKPRESSE represents a professional magazine that primarily deals with the challenges, solutions and applications in fluid technology. Because hydraulics means HANSA‑FLEX! You can subscribe to our magazine free of charge. We also offer each issue here as a PDF document. It is published in a German and an English edition.
All articles
- 13.03.2024
Vorbeugende Instandhaltung hautnah erleben: 360° Industrieservice
Haben Sie sich schon einmal gefragt, was unseren Industrieservice ausmacht und welche Dienstleistungen sich dahinter verbergen? - 13.03.2024
Geschäftsbericht 2020
Das Jahr 2020 war in vielerlei Hinsicht ein turbulentes und denkwürdiges Jahr. Der Konzern HANSA-FLEX ist trotz der weltweit schwierigen Umstände verhältnismäßig gut durch diese auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht herausfordernden Monate gekommen. - 13.03.2024
Arbeiten am grossprojekt in bremen schreiten voran
In der Von-Thünen-Straße 14 im Industriegebiet Bremen-Mahndorf entsteht auf einer 18.000 m² großen Fläche ein vierteiliger Gebäudekomplex mit Verwaltung, Logistik- und Produktionshalle sowie Hochregallager. - 13.03.2024
Finally bauma again
A total of 3200 exhibitors from 60 countries came to Munich for the world's leading trade fair for construction machinery on 614,000 m2 of exhibition space. 495,000 visitors from over 200 countries were on site. The share of international visitors was aro - 13.03.2024
Hansa-flex aquries traditional house knapheide
HANSA-FLEX is pleased to announce that at the beginning of April, the company Knapheide (Beckum, NRW) will be acquired in the form of a strategic investment, bringing 400 new employees to the HANSA-FLEX Group. - 13.03.2024
Hansa-flex football tournament 2023: many goals for a good cause
After a three-year break due to the pandemic, the HANSA-FLEX Football World Cup finally took place again this year. 33 teams from 22 nations played for victory in the 18th tournament. The venue was Bremen, the headquarters of the company. - 13.03.2024
Visit to the bundestag in hennigsdorf
On 13.07.2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming Member of the Bundestag Mr. Uwe Feiler in the course of his summer tour. - 13.03.2024
Club sponsorship 2023: the winners have been determined
This year, 50 winning teams can look forward to a new jersey set. - 13.03.2024
A donation of 7,500 euros to trauerland e. V.
The HANSA-FLEX Foundation supports professional grief counseling for children and young people so that they can draw new strength and confidence. - 13.03.2024
Groundbreaking ceremony for the new hanover-anderten branch office
On Tuesday, 10 October 2023, the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony marked the construction of the new Hannover-Anderten branch. - 13.03.2024
Ausbildungsstart 01.08. – die neuen Azubis sind an Bord
Es ist endlich wieder so weit: Ausbildungsstart bei HANSA-FLEX. 39 neue Auszubildene und dual Studierende starteten deutschlandweit in ihr Azubiabenteuer bei HANSA-FLEX - 15 davon in Bremen. - 13.03.2024
Successful presence at nordbau
HANSA-FLEX takes positive stock of the trade fair in Neumünster - 12.03.2024
Keeping the world in motion
Just a stone’s throw away from Hamburg airport is a city within the city – the head office of Lufthansa Technik AG. HANSA-FLEX supplies a large number of products, including several that are incorporated into the test benches. - 12.03.2024
Restoration of a loading giant
HANSA-FLEX repairs the cylinder on a 100-tonne crane for Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft